Hometown Stuff

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Return of the Incredible Adventure of DadB and the Unbelievable Robot

Ah, is it only four years since I regaled you with the Amazingly Bungled Communication Methods used by my mobile phone provider? Ah, yes, looking at The Incredible Adventure of DadB and the Unbelievable Robot I see it is!

In recent weeks I have had calls come in from an unknown number. I don't answer those. The number has already gained its five minutes of internet fame at, for example, Whocallsme.com

The calls come on my mobile around 6-6.30pm which fits the profile described in this link Telegraph.com.au November 18, 2011- remember the report about how telemarketers in India are told "Australia is the world's 'dumbest continent' where people 'drink constantly' and are 'quite racist'". Hang on, they are calling us racist? Isn't it time the world recognised that non-Anglos are capable of racism?

Well, back to business. As you see in my first post on the matter, I complained to Optus who said it wasn't their fault, its a contractor! The legal term is "servant or agent" so it remains their problem. I look forward to conversing with them when I close my account.